Sign A Petition
To sign a petition, please click on either of the buttons below.
Click here to Sign a pettion for your State Governments to fund Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs).
Click here to Sign a pettion for state governments to establish a sex offender register in their state

Petition for State Governments to fund Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs)
Currently, there are ONLY 29 Sexual Assault Referral Centers (SARCs) in Nigeria. All these Centres need more funding commitment from their state governments to continue delivering services to the public, free of charge; and states that don’t have a SARC need government commitment to establish one.

Petition for state governments to establish a sex offender register in their state.
The Sexual offender register is a documentation of reported, tried, or convicted cases of sexual violations or abuses as defined by the VAPP Act, 2015. The register is accessible to members of the public and security agencies. It has data on those convicted, available directly on the website while other categories (such as those reported, accused, or tried but not convicted) can be accessed based on demand.